Carrying Too Many Weights in Life’s Race? Here’s Your Answer to Keep You Running…Simply and Freely!
Question for you: How are you running today in life’s race?
Are you moving forward freely and unhindered? Are there things keeping you stuck in one place, not moving ahead, or sitting out on the sidelines?
Do you know what is really keeping you from advancing, keeping you from achieving great goals, keeping you from where you need to be at this point in your life?
Let’s take a look at how a successful runner runs his race.
Runners always run freely, without weights. How often do you see a runner in competition wearing a heavy backpack, carrying heavy barbells, wearing layers and layers of heavy bulky clothes? They could never win that way. When they are ready for a race, the best runners need freedom of movement. They shouldn’t be carrying any weights.
In life’s race, there are also weights that you shouldn’t carry, weights that will hinder you, and keep you from running well. There may be weights you are carrying right now - some heaviness, hardship, habit, or hindrance that is holding you back or keeping you on the sidelines. Like the runner in competition, you need to take steps to remove what hinders, so you can run your race successfully, simply and freely.
In the book of Hebrews, chapter 12, the Bible talks about how to run the race. It shows us that one of the first things needed in order to run a successful race, is to “lay aside every weight”. We are to get rid of whatever is weighing us down. Get rid of whatever is hindering, so we can run without any heavy baggage. There may be things in your life right now that you’re carrying that just aren’t wise, healthy or helpful. They are weights.
What are the specific weights in your life right now that are keeping you from running freely and unhindered?
Some possible weights and burdens might be:
- Worrying about the future
- Anxiety and stress about a past unresolved event, or a current physical or financial concern
- Involvement in sin, immoral living, cheating, lying, or that hidden something you know you shouldn’t be doing. They are all weights, hindering your progress in life.
- Overeating, unhealthy eating habits, eating unhealthy processed foods, or too many desserts packed with sugar.
- Addictions (alcohol, drugs, to name a few).
- How about some other things we all can so easily get caught up in? How about HOURS AND HOURS of being glued to social media, or playing video games, or even overdosing on news, sports or talk shows! It could be any habit which causes us to get overly side-tracked. How easy it is these days for us to lose our focus, and miss out on what’s best!
- Are you working long hours at the job, neglecting family, or ignoring important relationships?
- In business, it could also be poor business practices, shady deals, taking advantage of your employees, or even stealing time from your boss.
These are just some of the things that can ensnare, entangle and trip anyone up. These are things that will keep you hindered, will keep you from moving forward, and keep you from being all you are meant to be.
Where are you at spiritually? In life’s race, the things that take you away from God, your Creator, are the things that will weigh you down, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. An unhealthy spiritual life will affect you physically and emotionally, will keep you off-course, and move you away from true wholeness freedom and victory.
The Bible has important keys for living successfully, for healing, wholeness and well-being. It has answers for all that is weighing you down, and all that may be challenging you today. God’s Word has answers for all you are facing, and all that you will ever face in life.
Real answers are found in a relationship with God, learning who the Messiah is, embracing His salvation, and knowing how much God really does love you. All that you need to know about God, His love, your Savior, eternal life, all you need to know in this life, can be found in the pages of God’s Word.
The Bible shows us that we can have a personal relationship with our Creator. God loves you and cares about each and every detail of your life. God’s Word tells us that you can give all your weights, burdens, cares and stresses to Him. In 1 Peter 5:7, it says “Cast ALL your care upon Him, for He careth for you.” (kjv, my emphasis on the ALL). God can handle it ALL, because He’s God, and He cares for YOU. You don’t have to carry it all. You just need to be willing to release it all into His care.
You are not made to carry and control it all. How many of us like to be in control of every detail of our lives? That’s a weight. You may not realize it, but it’s a burden that may be tripping you up.
There’s another way, a better way: As it says in the book of Hebrews, you need to lay it aside. You release it, let it go, give it over to God. When you let go of trying to control it all, and yield all the details and all the cares to God, He will truly free you so you can run your best.
We sometimes make it so complicated, but freedom is an easy step. In your heart, release it to Him. Turn it over. Give it to God. He does the work. It’s His strength, His wisdom, His grace and His direction that will get you up, will heal the hurts, will take the burdens, give peace, and keep you moving forward, by the power of His Spirit.
God can free you from whatever is weighing you down today. You may think it’s impossible to let go of things that have held you back, held you in bondage, tripped you up, for so many years. The key is found in your relationship with the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The same God Who parted the Red Sea, Who caused the walls of Jericho to fall, Who miraculously provided for and cared for the Israelites in the wilderness, Who healed lepers and raised the dead, that same God… is here for you!
God Himself provides the answer for you. He will give you victory to overcome all problems, all issues, losses, past struggles, abusive relationships, all unhealthy habits, addictions, anxieties, and sin. We can’t do it on our own. But with God, nothing is impossible!. He can free you!
Do you want to be free today? Are you ready to lighten your load, lay aside weights, and begin a new, simpler and healthier life?
Here are some quick steps you can take to get your feet moving ahead, to rise up, and get back into the race again, to get back on track, to run your best race ever:
- PRIORITIZE: Get into the Word of God. Read the Bible. Allow God to show you Who He is. Take hold of His promises. Believe what He says. Be encouraged by reading the Psalms, or read through the Book of Matthew or John. Let His words speak to your specific situation. Try getting into the daily habit of reading God’s words for life and true freedom. Learn more of the Risen Savior, Messiah Yeshua/Jesus Who loves you so much and wants to bring you victory over every area of your life. First and foremost should be your relationship with your Redeemer.
- IDENTIFY: Think of the specific weights in your own life that come to your mind right now. Think of whatever might be hindering you. Is it a fear that’s holding you back? It may be some of the things, weights, I’ve listed. It may be past hurts or pains. Or it might not be a “thing”. It may be a person that’s constantly pulling you down, or drawing you into things that are harmful. If there are things that are taking you away from God, causing you to lose hope, or causing you to want to give up, or if it’s keeping you from running the race freely, they are weights that you need to release over to God.
- MAKE THE NEEDED CHANGES: Once you’ve identified the things that you need to let go, pray and trust that God will help you and direct your steps. He will show you the right path which will lead you to victory. Be willing to do what He says, in line with His Word, and watch Him open new doors for you. You will find that God has a way of restoring lost years. God can give you the peace and the freedom you may never have had before. He can remove the weights and hindrances. He can forgive sin. You will be free, to rise up and run again, with renewed purpose and vision. Allow His Holy Spirit to work in you to give you all that is needed for victory. Zechariah 4:6 says “not by might, not by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” It’s His work.
- DON’T GIVE UP, GET IN THE RACE AND STAY IN! Life is full of challenges, pulls and temptations to give in, to give up your race. If things get tough, don’t allow an “I give up” way of thinking to even be an option in your life. Get rid of, and give up the things that pull you down and keep you side-tracked, but don’t give up on the things that keep you moving forward. And never give up on God!
God will give you the strength to keep you running life’s race. He will give you the determination to get up when you’ve fallen, and endurance to keep you on the good path of victory.
You may have fallen at various points along the way. We all fail at times. We all have setbacks. But don’t let setbacks keep you on the sidelines. Life goes by quickly. Don’t sit on the sidelines any longer! You’re needed and valued. It’s not too late to get in the race again.
You’re reading this, you’re alive, it’s not too late. No matter how young or old you are, no matter what your current circumstances are, this is for you. Step into a free and empowered God-focused life. There are opportunities ahead for you. There’s new life worth living. Get back in the race with your mind renewed, set and focused.
There are others who also want you to run your best race ever, for God’s glory, cheering you on. You have people who really care about you, and want the best for you. Finding a great local congregation near you that teaches from the Bible, serving the God of the Bible, trusting the Savior of the Bible, can help you get and stay connected. Many believers can give testimony of the blessings and joys of running a victorious race. Many can testify of the benefits of hanging in there, laying aside the weights, and staying focused on God. Even through great trials, you will see that there can be great victories.
So, take those first steps! Lay aside the specific weights that you’ve been carrying, stay focused on God, get back in the good race, and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
Your life will be strengthened when you are IN the race, running on God’s team, keeping your focus on Him, making wise and healthy choices in your personal life, in your business, on the job, at home, and with family, and KEEPING HIM FIRST!
Trust God today with your heart and life. Expect great things ahead. God’s great plan of salvation, His grace, the peace found in Messiah, His atoning work, and His blessings go beyond all that we could think or imagine. Take God’s higher path, and you will win the greatest prize of all! You will indeed find true Life and victory in your race! Simply and freely, and in His strength, run it to win it.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:11-13, niv)
“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” (from the Old Testament prophet Isaiah, 53:5, kjv)
“In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” (1 John 4:9-10, kjv)
Hebrews 12:1-2: “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (kjv)
To find out more about God's love for you, and His great plan of salvation, Click Here:
Many helpful topics will be addressed in upcoming months, to help you to run life’s race victoriously! Do you have a friend or family member who could be encouraged by this message? Feel free to share this. Use it, research it in the Bible. Share it with your group. Also, you’re invited to visit the New Life Expressions website again for info and updates. If you want to comment or leave feedback, you may use the Contact page on the site.
NOTE, COMING SOON: Book #2 of The Series of Seven Collection, will soon be available on Amazon. Check the website for updates:
Carol Scheitlin is director of New Life Expressions, writer, and author of “Let the House of Aaron Say” (Paperback and now E-Book, currently available on Amazon). LET THE HOUSE OF AARON SAY is Book #1 of The Series of Seven Collection, a unique series of practical and prophetic resources to enrich your life and help you understand your high calling in life now, your purpose, and your final eternal destiny. For more info, news and updates, visit the New Life Expressions website: